Monday, June 13, 2011

doin it

It's always nice to meet new people heavy into what they are doing. Sometimes it's easy to get weighed down by the local vibe, etc, especially out here in California where the wheels never stop and there are more people than you can shake the ol' stick at.
We met the dudes from Speedmetal in Denver this last January when they brought out their Knucklehead for the Grand National Roadster show. Killer bike, and VERY down to earth and enthusuastic guys. Wish i had more time to hang out with them then.
When we decided to do Born-Free again they were also eagar to help and support something that has meant so much to us and is done out of love (there sure as shit ain't no money in putting on a huge FREE show...). Well, they recently moved into a bigger shop and are settling in and planning their annual Love Thy Chopper

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